The Everbuild 501 Universal PVA Bond 5 Ltr - PVA5L  is a multi-purpose primer, sealer, bonding agent, and plaster admixture. It is specifically designed for use in the building industry as a general purpose bonding agent. You can even use this product as a multi-use additive cum adhesive on cork, textiles, wood, and other applications where the surface is porous. The product is widely used for priming the unsound surfaces prior to applying any paint or plaster.

What are the benefits of using this product?
 The Everbuild 501 Universal PVA Bond 5 Ltr - PVA5L is an excellently improved adhesive that can be used for an extensive range of applications, such as dense concrete, steel, tiles, and glass etc. It can be applied in thinner sections in order to offer resistance to salt permeation.
Not only this the usage of this product can reduce surface dusting of concretes, offers improved flexibility to sand cement products, improved frost resistance and reduced surface porosity of plaster and mortar.
PVA or universal polyvinyl acetate bonding agents or adhesives have wide usage in the building industry. The product fulfils the requirement of BS5270 (i.e. this polyvinyl acetate bonding agent can be used with gypsum modified plasters). Since the product surpasses the requirements of Universal PVA market, it can be used in the similar fashion to other phthalate plasticised PVA emulsions. This product also contains environment-friendly non-phthalate ester plasticiser in order to enable low-temperature film formation & confer film flexibility.
The Everbuild 501 Universal PVA Bond 5 Ltr - PVA5L is such a fantastic product as it possesses all of the requirements for an ideal bonding agent, which include...
1. The product fulfils the requirements of BS5270
2. It doesn't contain a phthalate ester plasticiser
3. It is highly effective as a general-purpose wood adhesive
4. It is compatible with gypsum and cement
5. Adhesion to concrete
6. Excellent low and high-temperature stability
In what areas is the Everbuild 501 Universal PVA Bond 5 Ltr - PVA5L most effectively used in...
It can be used for almost all needs required of a bonding agent and has a great result in general purpose adhesive for paper, wood, cork, and textiles.
You can use it as an admixture of mortar, screeds, and renders and includes use as a bonding agent for renders and screeds to difficult substrates.
You can use it as a sealer and primer in tiling applications and also used as an internal filler whenever it's mixed with plaster and wood shavings.
How to apply...
Priming and Sealing - When it's used for priming and sealing (on porous substrates, such as plaster, plasterboard, and old concrete), the product needs to be diluted with four parts of water and then apply it on the surface (for further coating).
Bonding - This PVA Bonding Agent can be used to bond plaster, cement renders, and repair compounds etc. To bond plaster, the emulsion needs to be brushed and undiluted before it's being applied to the surface.
Woodworking - It can be used in woodworking projects as a conventional bonding agent.
Other Application - You can use it as a general purpose adhesive in order to stick paper, cardboard and similar porous substrates.
Overall, the final verdict on the Everbuild 501 Universal PVA Bond 5 Ltr - PVA5L is that this is a great all rounder bonding agent that possesses all the qualities and needs to be required, there is almost no job too small or too large for this adhesive.